Why Write?

Researchers have confirmed that by recording and describing the prominent issues in our lives, we can better understand these issues. Certainly, mid-life and other transition periods bring many life changing events. With the help of carefully designed writing tools, you can gently but powerfully explore the various aspects of yourself, your life and your relationships with others. Journal writing workshops provide the techniques to better understand your own aspirations and frustrations, as they relate to your present and future life and work. These workshops can also provide a supportive network of other women seeking to re-examine and redefine their lives at midlife.

Through effective journal writing, you can learn how to:

◾Clarify your current situation and your future goals
◾Safely release tension, frustration, anger and other strong emotions
◾Find support for your experiences from others on the same path
◾Track and examine cycles, patterns and trends in your life
◾Experiment with creative writing

In 1985, Kathleen Adams, a psychotherapist in Colorado and the founder/director of The Center for Journal Therapy and the Therapeutic Writing Institute, began teaching journal workshops designed to give the general public tools that could be used for self-discovery, creative expression and life enhancement.

My workshops and journal circles are built on these teachings. See the Courses and Events page for more details on services I provide.

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